Thursday, January 21, 2010

Discuss the problems of a positive male married to a negative female.?

I am needing to know the problems associated with problems associated with the MARRIAGE of a positive blood type male and a negative blood type female.Discuss the problems of a positive male married to a negative female.?
There shouldn't be any problems with the marriage of the two (assuming they love each other).

The only major problem I can foresee is if you have a child that has positive blood and the female is negative, then the female may develop antibodies against the developing child. That wouldn't be good.Discuss the problems of a positive male married to a negative female.?
The marriage is not the problem (I hope); neither is the blood type. The problem is the Rh factor, though these days, it is dealt with easily.

Should the first baby be Rh+, like the father, the mother's body will produce antibodies against the Rh antigens when the baby is born (there is always some mixing of blood). If a subsequent child is Rh+, the mother's antibodies will attack the fetus' blood cells (a condition called erythroblastosis fetalis).

Fortunately, if the fist child IS Rh+, the mother is given a medication (like Rhogam) that will effectively destroy these antibodies; the potential problem is taken care of...

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