With the divorce rate what it is in America, gay marriage seems to have little effect on the sanctity of marriage. Along with that, many Atheists, Hindi, Buddhists, and other non-judeo christians get married everyday. As do many couples with no intent of having children. So why do people CARE if gays get married? I thought the spirit of freedom lay in minding one's own business, or am I mistaken?Why do you care if gays get married?
I am sick and tired of being discriminated against just because I'm not gay. I'd like to have marriage outlawed for me too but Nooooo! Just because I'm heterosexual a woman can take half of everything I own because I fall in love. It's not fair!Why do you care if gays get married?
I hope you are asking the people who DO care if gays get married
and not asking everyone who is Christian, because that would be prejudiced.
I want to explain the Church's take on gay marriage and how I disagree with it.
The Church believes that marriage is a vocation. If you choose to get married, one of your responsibilities is to raise a chold and teach him to be a good Christian.
Obviously homosexuals can't do this which is why the Church doesn't want them to be married.
Here is why I disagree:
These rules might have been okay in a different time, when no one adopted and the traditional ';family'; was a template.
Today there are plenty of decent homosexuals willing to love and raise a Christian child.
These church ';officials'; and conservatives can't seem to realise this and won't change the rules to suit the times.
Unfortunately that means gays can't get married whether Christians (like me) like it or not. Like you, I think it's a traesty and needs to be changed.
I completely agree. Many of today's so called ';Christians'; claim that this country was founded on Christian beliefs. If they actually did their research, several of the 'founding fathers' (Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson) believed that Christianity should have nothing to do with the government.
Not to mention all of the jobs and money that would come to states that legalized gay marriage. I mean, seriously, let's look at the facts shall we? After California legalized gay marriage, they had an economic boom. But now that they revoked that, they're near bankruptcy and have an unemployment rate of 11.5%! While places like Massachusetts and Iowa that continue to recognize same-sex marriage have unemployment rates of less than 10%! And these are the most recent numbers taken from BLS.gov as of May 2009!
Sadly people try to blame the gay marriage on many things but I was surprised to hear this one excuse that a person was told and wonder how many other ill informed people there are out there. I realize many it is they are homophobic and can't stand the idea of gay relationships and use the excuse of not allowing gay marriage for other reasons to justify there hatred.
The excuse I heard from one person was they had been told if gay marriage is allowed than gays can sue churches that discriminate against them because of their churches religious belief against homosexuality and the church can be forced to marry a gay couple or be sued. I tried explaining to this person the church has the right to deny marriage to anyone including a heterosexual couple if they belief the are not following the religious beliefs of the church and can not be sued but this person was certain they could be sued and therefore was against gay marriage. What about the crap that 2 adults of the same sex raising a child will create a homosexual child. lol
We live in a sad world.
So you see people are being fed many false statements from hate groups justifying their hatred by using religion.
This is because of religious beliefs. Anyone who believes in the bible will tell you that God says that it is a sin to be gay, in which marriage would then, obviously, be out of the question. I personally do not believe in following a book, but try telling that to most of America!
So your argument is because marriage has been compromised we should further compromise it? Not very logical or considerate. All of us influence the people we come into contact with. So the moral choices I make affect people for good or bad. So to pretend that homosexuals are the only ones who have no affect on other peoples is not only unrealistic it is dishonest. And to the argument about gay marriage helping the economy. Really bad argument. What does money have to do with anything? Is it ok to sell illegal firearms because it helps the economy? Should we legalize child prostitution because it helps the economy? Of course not. Point being if you can't understand that because something raises money doesn't mean it's right I seriously wonder what kind of morals you have?
I don't.
Same-sex marriage is legal in Canada. So is same-sex adoption. I support both.
People who claim to care for religious reasons are actually interested only in the power of imposing their beliefs on others.
(I knew it! I made a bet with myself that the lame 'Adam and Steve' argument would appear somewhere in the answers.)
because the people running the government **cough cough** (seperation of church and state), are all old asshats who still believe that couples should sleep in seperate beds so obviously they're dumb asses aren't going to believe in something as odd as people of the same sex actually wanting to marry, why would they want to do that, guys dont like guys, girls dont like girls, thats not what i learned in health class 60 years ago... there idiots... thats why...
I think the government has no right to decide who anyone can marry, its just not anyones elses business but the person doing it. Not to say i would do it.
Our government is just too dmn controlling.
This is the USA we stand for freedom, freedom to make our own personal lives personal..
I couldnt agree with you more.
i'm a christian, and i'm completely hetero and i'm getting married to my wonderful fiance in a year, but it really angers me when people try to say gays don't deserve to get married. love is love. who cares what gender you are. and why does the government or anyone else feel like they are so entitled to tell people who and who cannot get married?? it's ridiculous!
I think everyone is entitled to being happy. And No one has the right to tell anyone that they cant marry someone that they love because they are of the same sex. We are in a too modern society for that. It doesnt effect anyone else, jus those getting married. Its entirely their decision.
Because they think marriage is a RELIGIOUS institution yet they all fail to realize it has been around since before religion was created. Marriage a man-made thing, not a God-made thing. And it should be applied to EVERYONE.
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
Gay marriage does NOT affect me!
I believe everyone has the right to marry. If to men or two women are so in love that they want to be bound like that then what right does anyone have to take it away? It is a basic human right that is often over looked, the right to love.
i don't care what others do with their lives. it is non of my business. . I believe in freedom of choice for every one
abortion. suicide assistance, drugs,
what ever
If you want to live a happier life
be tolerant of others
Secularly speaking, I don't.
Religiously Speaking, in my religion it doesn't happen and is not permissible. So, if someone wants to marry, let them, but they cannot marry through a leader in my community.
Gay marriage in the US will add 16 billion dollars a year to the wedding industry. How can anyone shake their finger at that?
I would love more than anything to get married to my husband.
I agree.
What's the big deal?
Some people are like, ';Ewwww hjbdm odb what the ****!?'; at anything or anybody gay.
But if you think spinach is gross, you don't go around trying to take people's spinach, you know?
I think it will be good for the economy...all those wedding planners and caterers and halls and bakers will be in business...it's capitalism baby!
I do not care. It is fine with me.
Come to think of it, it is an effective form of population control.
exposed to that?- jayden's mommy. what is that suppose to mean. how bout you grow up and look at the bigger picture and get the bible out of your ***.
People who care are stupid and probably brain washed by religion with their ideal ways of living. They follow their ';book'; as if it's made by some super being. It is still printed and written by humans!!!
let them do what they want to do. a persons sexuality is as much of a choice is the color of their skin
I find it totally acceptable for a gay guy married a lesbian gal.
You are 100% correct. Why do religious people have to interfere with people's rights when it has absolutely no affect on their lives? They need to stay out of other peoples' bedrooms and lives.
Because then it would mean less for me to cheat on my wife with a hairless filipino 17 year old in the bathroom at Bryant Park. Duh.
oh wow..you don't want children to be exposed to that? heh look at your picture :p
and to answer the question...I don't care if gays get married.. I support them (:
because jenny sandford said it gay marriage destroyed hers(?)
like i always say, if you dont like gay marriage, dont marry a gay!
simple non?
I have no problem with civil unions which can be as elaborate as any marriage.
Marriage is a holy sacrament before God.
It is not something I want to see in public, nor do I want children to see it in case they are influenced by it too.
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