Friday, January 15, 2010

What are the reasons to get married?

I mean if you both love and trust each other, isn't that enough? It seems most weddings are superficial. And if things don't work out, you don't have to go through all that messy divorce stuff.What are the reasons to get married?
If you can't see your life without that person, that is a good reason to get married. And if you want to get married without all the parading around, go to the mayor's office. That is what me and my husband did, and we just had a party afterwards.What are the reasons to get married?
You can live your life together without ever NEEDING the legal bond, marriage is a CHOICE. Having children would be one reason for marriage, as well as in the case of one of you ever becoming deathly ill and the other can not step in and give permission for medical care. I personally think the most important reason for getting legally married is because it makes walking away in the case of a difficult time a little harder. It is just one reason to stay and work things out thoughout the ups and downs in a relationship. Marriage is a celebration, not an inconvenience. All break-ups are messy, the key is to find someone to grow and change with.
The benefits of marriage are widely misunderstood. And in today's world it seems marriage is a waste of time and money. Most people do not go into marriage with a farsighted viewpoint. They look at it as if it is a whim, what they want for now. But is that what marriage is? To some yes, but it wasn't set up to be that way. People get married to be together until one of them dies. The wedding vowels I took said ';til death you do part';. I tried to mean that and I am on my 3rd marriage, My first wife did not mean it, to the point she decided she liked her girlfriend more than she liked me. I couldn't much blame her though. I am not much to look at and her girlfriend was drop dead gorgeous. My second wife decided she liked drugs and the friends that come with drugs. I can not compete with being high constantly. My now wife, my 3rd is saying she is in it for the long haul, Which she had to let me know before I even asked her to marry me. So I may sound a little hypocritical with my background. However, I am not the one who decided not to be married anymore, they did. And it honestly does take both people working hard at it, to make a marriage work. But if done right marriage has a great deal to offer. It has stability. In fact you know who you are going to wake up beside of. If you both are clean (no std's) when you get married you will not have to worry about that unless one is unfaithful. That should not happen. You have a friend for life. someone to be beside of you when you are sick, and when you are dying. IF you both work at it and take it seriously you can both have a love that is very much valued in even todays world. Putting everything in both peoples name did not start out to be a messy divorce issue. It was so that the one who died first left the partner with everything they owned to help them get by as a single person. Now it is just something to sell off so you can pay the lawyers a bunch of money. Do not forget the bond it helps create if children are involved too. If you have kids together the marriage is the best way to show them the right avenue to go down when they are older.
Marriage has nothing to do with love. It has more to do with book keeping. So there is a written record of who is with to whom. Which is very helpful in legal disputes over property and possessions. But if you plan to remain very poor for the rest of your life and you know you will never leave the person you are with. And that you will die before your mate. There is no reason to get that piece of paper.

As for me, my wife and I lived together for 3 years before we got married 36 years ago. That's 39 years, only seems like a couple years ago. Time flays when your in love.
In my opinion, to stay clear of sexual immorality for, this is the will of God. For example, a self-deceived generation believes that oral sex with someone they aren't married to is not actually sex at all. While they may be safe from conceiving a baby, they will conceive death in their souls and then wonder why after they are married, the passion in their marriage dies. Marriage is a way that God has provided for us to live in holiness and He is able to keep us holy. Marriage is great when two people enter into it with a mutual commitment to keep it strong no matter what.

Be Blessed!
love and trust isnt enough..

marriage is a lifelong and permanent relationship..

it isnt like if u have a problem then u divorce or somethin'...

it isnt like a food that u ate and if u dont like it u vomit it..

its not like that...

love and trust is essential but there are other things involved like financial matters and others..

anyways,when u want to get married,make sure that ur not just carried away by emotions just in fairy tale stories..

marriage is not always about ';and they lived happily everafter';..

so dont rush through it..make sure u have think bout it a hundred times..

so as not to end up with a broken mind and heart..
Ok, coming from a man who loves his girlfriend very much and wants to marry her. I agree with you on the superficiality of modern society. Marriage is total commitment and should be total love from day one.
What are the reasons NOT to get married? So you don't have to really give yourself to another to become one and lose your independence. No matter what anyone says, a marriage means you become a new entity. It just takes another level of commitment than just living together.
I'm not sure why people get married. They're both gonna end up cheating on each other at some point anyway. Maybe people get married for ownership purposes, but it's not like a ring is gonna keep anyone away. Marriage nowadays is nothing more than a legality.
HA! Other than fitting into society and stuff, alls I can think of is ... benefits! LOL and I'm even engaged. smashlee said its to fit in the society n stufff...

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