Friday, January 15, 2010

Whats the big deal with marriage, why are people so desperate to get married?

just dont see why anyone would actually enjoy being tied down. wouldnt being single be more fun?

by the way, im 24, with no plans of getting married/settling down anytime soon.

people say they dont want to be alone, but really, you still have friends, family, and a bit of time to yourself at the end of the day.Whats the big deal with marriage, why are people so desperate to get married?
I am 33. You seemed to ask two different questions there. The big deal with marriage is that it is a committment to each other to stick together through thick and thin. Its because that person is important to you and you choose them above all others. Its the person who you want to hang out with, who makes you laugh, who brings out the best in you.

I am getting married in 4 weeks time. I am not desperate to get married, never have been, it has honestly taken me this long to say 'yes, this bloke is the one'. We have been together 9 years now.

I dont look at being married as being tied down, i still have the same freedom as i did before. The guy i get to sleep with is the one i want to sleep with so no 'ties' there as well. Being single isnt really all its cracked up to be.

I swore at 17 i was never getting married or having kids because i didnt want to. That changed after i met my (ex) husband and we had two children. After we divorced I gave up on dating all together but there was this one guy who used to chat to me every night in a local area chat room....

Dont rain on our parades by posting in a wedding forum. Be happy for us- same as we will be happy for you when you meet your 'one'.Whats the big deal with marriage, why are people so desperate to get married?
Everyone is different in what they want and need and what age they realize what they want or need! And please don't be offended by this but just because you are 24 and have no desire to be ';tied down'; doesn't mean other people don't want it or need it! I know personally I am ready and so is my future husband. In my opinion most people do it because they are ready and really want to be with the other person for the rest of their lives, as far as people being desperate, I cant say Ive come across anyone who is truly desperate unless they are young and think that's what they want or someone who is just tired of being alone! Either way, you should be happy for other people who have found their significant other regardless of your feelings towards the subject! But to each their own, whatever floats the boat etc.

Who's to say, maybe in a year or two you might find that special someone!
I agree that while some people marry for the wrong reasons like desperate to be married, scared to be alone. Others of us chose to make a commitment to love each other for the rest of our lives. When someone decides to get married, we are not thinking about the 6 billion other people in the world that we are saying NO to, we are only concerned and only want the one that we are saying YES to. It isn't about being ';tied down.'; Being single is great if you haven't found the right person. When you do find that person, everything will thought you felt towards marriage will change.
I'm 32, divorced and would NEVER EVER be married again! Being tied down sucks and YES being single is waaay more fun! You will always have your family, and friends and when you don't then you take that time and enjoy it. Being alone isn't this horrible situation that people should be scared of. It's awsome being alone! I get to do and see and eat whatever whenever I want, no questions asked! One day you will find someone you like hangin out with that has the same plan for their life as well, and you both just fit together, in whatever commitment situation you both want. I grew up always saying I never wanted to get married. Well, I didn't listen to what i really wanted and ended up married, BLAH! After 8 years of struggling to find the real me in that marriage I realized that the real me was never meant to be married.
Some of us are called to happy singleness. Frankly, a lot of us who get married are *called* to blissful singleness but get coerced by the heavy hand of marketting. Families, after all, are where new consumers are bred, so it's in the advertisers' interest to try to make us all feel we have to get on board. Independent spinsters and non-conformist bachelors are much harder for them to market to, since we don't fit the mold.

Now, that being said, some of us are called to happy marriage. If they are, let them marry. We may not see the big appeal; but they frankly don't see the big appeal of coming home to your own house, closing the door, heaving a sigh of relief, and knowing there is NO ONE ELSE you need to compromise with until morning. And we need all those happy married people: they are part of the fabric of society. I love to participate in all the family weddings and christenings and school plays and graduations, as much as I love to participate in the art gallery openings and business decisions and society meetings and other adult events that fill my supposedly lonely days. If nothing else, we need all those happy married people to rear up the future citizens who are going to pay our social security benefits for us.

To each his own.
You write: im 24, with no plans of getting married/settling down anytime soon

Okay, if you are so happy with your life . . . why post in the wedding section?

You write: why are people so desperate to get married?

But no one here is desperate. I think you will find the majority of folks here are happily engaged and planning their weddings. No desperation.

Perhaps you meant to post this in some desperate singles section?
Hi, I'm 29 and I just got married last month.

I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and we stayed with each other because we loved each other and he never stopped me from going out and partying with my friends and I was cool with him going out with the guys. I never worried about him cheating and I never cheated on him.

I really never had any desire to be with anyone else because I never really met anyone better than him and I would hope he would say the same thing about me.

Anyway, we were fine just being together and not being married and the real reason we got married was because our families really wanted it and because if anything ever happens to either of us, we have the rights to act as guardian and I cant think of anyone that I trust more than my new husband.

And the other stuff too, like we can be on each other's health care and plus when we decide to have kids its been proven that families are much healthier when the parents are married.

Dont rush into anything. Its just as easy to be in love and not be married.

Happy life to you :)
I'm 24 and about to get married. I don't in any way seeing it as becoming ';tied down'; like you said. We are partners in life, we still plan on living and having fun. we travel, we go out, we still spend ALOT of time with our friends. being married isn't about giving up your life, it's about having someone to share that life with.
you may change your view of marriage as you get older. l am 32 and headed for the alter a second time around. Even though my first marriage did not go so good. I love being married to someone. And l think being married is the best thing for me.
I'm happier being married than I ever was single. Since my husband and I met each other, both of our lives have become more interesting, and have gained more meaning.

That's all I can really say about it.
i feel exactly the same way you do and im older than you, ive never married or had kids. i think people get married cause they want sex and maybe some babies. i cant stand the thought of being tied down either,
Because everyone wants to find their ';true love'; and to have someone love them and be with them forever.

When you find the love of your life, you will understand and want to marry that person.
As your friends start getting married, you will discover that you aren't so important to your friends any longer.
i know! im only 18 and all my friends are either engaged or have a child already! i just don't get it!!!
well you will when u find the write one!
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