Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why does it seem so many married women cheat with their personal trainers?

Is it a self-esteem thing, a body transformation thing, a sweaty heat thing?Why does it seem so many married women cheat with their personal trainers?
because personal trainers see them as someone whom they can easily change into a beauty and respect them as women..

husbands see them as fat, old women with full of ';kitchen oil'; smell even perfume can't help..(it's like the old faulty used car with petrol smell all over) while others women are beautiful, sexy and even their sweat smell great (brand-new sports cars...even the seats smell great....real leather)

sometimes words from husbands can be so hurtful that it make one feel totally lost of attractiveness ..

husband telling his wife that she is old, fat, ugly and no more attractive is equal to wife telling her husband he is impotence and better see a doctor..these words hurt equally bad.Why does it seem so many married women cheat with their personal trainers?
I have no idea why a married woman would choose to cheat with her personal trainer. Maybe it is just the intimacy factor. You have to have a certain level of honesty and trust in that relationship, and if a woman is having marital difficulties, anyway, it makes the situation more ripe for something to happen. Of course, everything you mentioned could be a factor as well. Everyone and every situation is different and some people don't take their marriage vows very seriously to begin with these days. Personally, I would rather not get involved with a personal trainer. If they saw me eating chocolate, they'd probably slap it out of my hands. That would be like a declaration of war! (jk)
Well first, its not just women. Second, something is probably wrong in their relationship. Either they want something different than what they have or the excitement has gone. it could also be that the personal trainer might have even made advances over a period of time and the lady has low self esteem. There could be multiple reasons. But the one that comes to mind is that they are not happy about the relationship they are in. (and its not just to personal trainers that people, in general, cheat with)
Maybe men who are personal trainers are the only ones who give these women hope, have faith in them, encourage them, help them achieve their goals, teach them how to have fun while exercising, share a common objective, are patient, give them all the attention they crave from their husbands, treat them like they deserve to be treated, give them respect, and most of all are way hotter and in better shape than cranky, old, big-bellied, couch potato-men.
I think it is a self esteem thing because alot of people are in need of hearing a compliment about themselves and at times in a marriage we tend to to assume that we don't need to give out those much needed compliments that make our spouse feel special and loved. Therefore I think that since personal trainers give out alot of compliments to movitate us that it leads to much more.
Maybe because the trainer helps them set a goal and then helps them reach that goal, a very bonding experience for many people. Also, improving yourself is a big turn on for a lot of people. Many trainers, girl or boy, are enthusiastic, focused people--also attractive qualities.
That is like saying so many married men cheat on their wives with their personal secretaries...A cheater will find someone to cheat with no matter what they are around...A leopard don't change its spots...male or female...makes no difference.
Whenever there's a common goal and a personal connection is made, affairs are possible.

Although it could just be that personal trainers are smokin' hot!
People cheat with men/women that are supportive and make them feel good, the old ego boost'll always work!
No , Personal trainers love fat , out of shape Chic's .

There's millions of them out there !
Dude! Its a freakin' hot fantasy!

I am sure if some Victoria Secrets Model wanted you.. You would take it!

Same thing!!
I think this only happens on TV
Hahahah. you made a topic out of this thing?
...hey, here's this stud of guy telling you, cmon, one more...gimmee

one more........well..............ok.....

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