Jamie doesn't rebel because he is too young ,boys grow up at a different speed to girls,he sounds like a nice boy and he may well stay one .but if he was 25 and still loving the attention of mother then it would be a real problem ,no woman who wants a modern life would do for him what his mother will.,you are in for trouble if you think you can change him and go against his family ,his religion is just as important as yours ,why do you think he has to change?How do you think his mother would like that?Be a kid and let him grow up and then see what the future holds for you both.Will an overprotected boy grow up to be a normal man and able to have a normal married life?
Even though your feelings are strong, you're both still very young and it's impossible to predict what life will bring you. Don't jump too far into the future; stick with Jamie if you care about him and enjoy your teen years.
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the problem isn't this boy's mother, it's YOUR mother. why isnt she doting on you, telling you to let people be what they want to be. why isnt she raising you to respect other religions, instead of sitting around plotting to ';change'; other people's religion because of what you ';want'; ...those were your words hun. why isn't YOUR mother being a good example of a woman, so that you will have high self esteem and be focused on your acedemics, travel, school activities and your self worth so that you wont have such a small mind. i mean, hun i was a normal teenager girl, chasing boys, going to sleep overs and enjoying my young life. you are out to change a boy's religion, putting down his endearing mother and PLANNING ON MARRAIGE! GOOD grief, slow down. he's a kid, let his mother treat him as such! soon he'll be a man, a real man with man size responsibilities. if you rob him of that with your manipulation he'll blame you. let him enjoy his family, his religion and fantastic values.
he doesn't rebel because he's only 13. give him a few more years, it'll get ugly. and as for changing him... that is not a loving and respectful thing to do. you need to accept people for who they are and you need to accept what religion he is. right off you're talking about changing him. that says to me that you don't really know what love is. but then again you're only 13 as well, so in reality, you don't know what love it.
Who knows? With the effects of heredity being greater than 0, he may grow up over protected; rebellious against his mother; both, or neither. You are not getting married now, so wait and see.
girl, think for a second, how do you even know you're gonna marry him? hate to burst your bubble but you're thinking way ahead, even if you do end up dating not very many people marry their first boyfriend. you'll probally go to different colleges move away and never see each other again, and if by the small chance you do marry him, being raised the way he is, he wont change religions. but must be a cool guy if he risked his life like that but still dont quit your day job (if that makes any sense in in this situation)
You are WAY TOO YOUNG to even worry about such things. If he is still a momma's boy when he is 18, then you have a legitimate question. Now all you have is a far fetched fantasy that you should drop right now. I believe the problem any of your future relationships may come from your desire to see everything in a crystal ball. God help the person who does not turn out like your fantasies predicted. Grow up, enjoy your youth, and quit trying to figure out how to change a man before you ever become a woman.
One last hint. Trying to change a man ALWAYS fails. Get used to it and don't try.
he will be a mamas boy forever
get out while you can
you just might have a chance with him. BUT I know 2 boys that are overprotected by there mother that is so not funny!!! its really funny, for wut you just said about that boy is like the same everything that theses boys do, but the sad this is that they are so protected by there mom that all they can think about is girls and that is the only thing mom cant stop( and the thing is I'AM a GIRL) it is SO gross. the one is 13 and the other is 14 and I';m 15.and the one has had 4 girl friends and he started dating when he was 13!
You're Jewish and you think you can challenge his religious practices, and his mother?
You have no chance with this boy.
Yes and no. First of all, you are wrong about trying to change his religion. That is very selfish and controling of you. That is showing nothing but jealousy. You should be ashamed of yourself. He should be made to go to church. His mother is trying to save him from the devil and make her son realize how important it is to have Jesus in his life. You seem to be of the devil. Maybe, you are no good for this young man.
Now, his mother is wrong for being so overbering over her son. Bringing him milk and cookies at bedtime. She is ruining the young man. He is not going to be anygood to a woman. All she is teaching her son to do is to depend on a woman. And you seem just like the dummy to do that. You are already talking about changing his religon. Maybe you should sit back and think about if your loverboy is the right one for you. Marriage. You are way ahead of yourself. You are only 13 years old. Alot of things could change now and then. He doesn't rebel cause he loves his mother. Not because he loves female attention. You have alot to learn about men sweetie. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. She is molding him to be a sucessful young man in life and in the Lord. If you are going to hinder his sucess with your selfish behavior, leave him alone. If you really love this young man (which you couldn't possibly. Too young to even know what that kind of love even feels like) you would want to see him happy and blessed by the world. You would only bring him down. Unless you change your ways. Ask him how he feels about the future. And if he wants you in his future. Ask him if he loves you the way you love him. If he is of Jesus, he will give you a truthful answer. You need prayer. I know the truth hurts doesn't it.
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