Thursday, January 21, 2010

Does anybody know anything about the Army Married Couples Program and how it works?

My husband is currently active duty army and i'm just now starting my process of getting in. I heard something about for married couples in the military, that branch will try their best to get both spouses stationed near each other. I was just wondering if anybody knew anything about the program and how it works.Does anybody know anything about the Army Married Couples Program and how it works?
It isn't difficult, but it does take time to get situated.

Here is a brief excerpt from the regulation (AR 614-200).

You can view the full chapter at:鈥?/a>

Section IV

Married Army Couples Program

5鈥?0. Applicability

Provisions of this section apply to RA Soldiers married to members of the RA, other U.S. military services, or Reserve

Components. Soldiers married to civilians are not included.

5鈥?1. Scope

a. Married Army couples desiring joint assignment to establish a common household (joint domicile (JD)) must

request such assignment by enrolling in the MACP. Application for enrollment must be submitted not later than 30

days from the date of marriage. Marriage must be valid per AR 37鈥?04鈥?. Action based on intended marriage will not

be considered even as an exception to policy.

(1) Only one Soldier needs to request enrollment in the MACP when both Soldiers are serviced by the same MPD/

BCT/BDE S-1 (signatures of both Soldiers are required); otherwise both must apply.

(2) The servicing MPD/BCT/BDE S-1 will submit the appropriate spouse information using the Personnel Services

Function in eMILPO. This capability is found under the Soldier Program Application using the procedure for creating a

request for enrollment into the MACP. Soldiers are not officially enrolled until their spouse information is updated on

the TAPDB.

(3) After submission of the spouse data through eMILPO, the MPD/BCT/BDE S-1 will verify enrollment against the

44 AR 614鈥?00 鈥?27 June 2007

MACP microfiche received bimonthly or by accessing the EDAS Personnel SSN Query Function (PS Screen).

Verification of enrollment must be made prior to notifying Soldiers of the status of their enrollment request.

(4) When one Soldier is considered for reassignment, the other Soldier is automatically considered for assignment to

the same location or area. Assignment instructions for each member will indicate whether or not a joint assignment is

approved. If one Soldier is considered for assignment, and the other Soldier does not have sufficient time remaining to

ETS for an assignment and does not reenlist or extend, the provisions of the MACP do not apply.

(5) Enrollment guarantees JD assignment consideration; however, it does not guarantee that the couple will be

assigned together at the same location and/or at the same time.

(6) Consideration is continuous as long as the couple remains enrolled in the program.

b. Favorable consideration for JD assignment will depend on鈥?br>

(1) A valid requisition/requirement existing in the same area for both Soldiers鈥?military PMOS or branch (officers)

and grades.

(2) Career progression of both Soldiers not being adversely affected and Soldiers being otherwise eligible for the


c. Married Army couples that do not enroll in the MACP indicate that JD assignments are not desired; therefore, this

cannot be used as the basis to request deletion from an assignment.

d. Other RA married Soldiers may not enroll in the MACP but may request reassignment to join their spouses by

submitting a DA Form 4187 if鈥?br>

(1) Married to a member of another U.S. military service.

(2) Married to a member of the Reserve Component and that spouse is ordered to active duty for one year or more.Does anybody know anything about the Army Married Couples Program and how it works?
Im an army wife and know afew married couples that are both serving within the army, you can go to any HIVE for that sort of information here in this country or abroad. If you are joining the same corps or regiment as your husband,there shouldnt be any problem, but if your not, then it does make it more difficult to post you together....having said that, they do try their best to get you as close as they each other. hope this helps.. and good luck to you both.
It is called Joint Domicile. My hubby went in, and then after he was done training, i went in. It does not grantee that you will be stationed together, and it doesn't stop the army from sending one of you on a hardship tour. But they will try to get you as close as possible. The only time i have heard of it not going through is one spouse had a crazy MOS and could only go to a few places.

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