Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Financial benefits in the UK if you are married?

I have been wondering lately if I will be any better off financially when the girlfriend and me are married. Is there any council tax relief or allowance for example? Is there other benefits, discounts or government schemes that improve your financial position when you are married.Financial benefits in the UK if you are married?
0, zero, zilch 拢拢拢 benefits!Financial benefits in the UK if you are married?
No- sorry- there are no benefits - you used to be able to get married couples allowance but Gordon Brown scrapped it some time ago- there is no financial gain unless you divorce. However, a decision to marry should not be based on whether you are going to make money out of it- there are lots of other love and committment based issues that should be way top of your list.
No, there used some tax incentives, but the government did away with them.

In certain cases it better to be single and living apart than married from a bebfit point of view, and better to be gay from a benefit point of view as you can be living together and still get increased single person benefits.
In short - benefits for the relatively wealthy. The main bonus being an exemption from inheritance tax (but don't forget to put it in a will in order to benefit). Plus of course so-called ';gifts'; between spouses are not tax deductible. Worth going down on her for?... whoops, I mean: Worth going down on one knee for?
About the only benefits left are that you can transfer capital gains between you so you both use your personal allowance, and there's no inheritance tax on what the survivor inherits. No wonder it's gone out of fashion.
no there are no benefits for being married, it is a little harder as a married couple so do it for the love xxx
sorry but you will have marry for love!!!
There no benefits for men it's all there for the poor women.Don't do it.
ya..two can eat as cheap as one..only one power mortgage..
No - just marry for love.

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