Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Would you vote for a candidate if he were married to Carla Bruni?

I won't add a link to pictures of the French First Lady with her naked butt hanging out, or link to her warbly pop tunes with the insane lyrics, you can find them yourself all over the internet. Obviously, there is a fairly wide cultural divide here...Would you vote for a candidate if he were married to Carla Bruni?
The French are much more tolerant than Americans. They don't base their political choices on things like what a candidate's wife wrote in her undergraduate thesis, which is not racist by the way.Would you vote for a candidate if he were married to Carla Bruni?
The president of France was not married to Carla Bruni when he was elected, so your point about that ';wide cultural divide'; is moot.

But beyond that I don't see a problem with him being married to her. She has a life of her own and just because she became the first lady of France does not mean her life stops.
By the way, did you know that Carla Bruni is going to release her new album - titled Comme Si de Rien N'茅tait (in English: ';As If Nothing Had Happened';) on August 5 in U.S.?

Just in case, Sweethomenashville.com has published a funny critics of it you cand read here:


Enjoy, everyone!
We're still a few months out from the election, so there's a decent chance that McCain will dump Cindy and make a play for Carla.
I'd rather have Carla Bruni as first lady than that Mr. Ed look a like.
rather her than a shaved down bigfoot

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